Clinical dissertations and Organizational & Leadership Psychology (OLP) doctoral projects authored by William James College alumni can be found online in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Dissertations and doctoral projects are added to the database after graduation. Some may not be available to the public at the request of the author. These are, however, available to the William James College community. If you would like to look at a dissertation or doctoral project that is not listed in the database or is blocked from downloading, please contact Matt Kramer for assistance.
The library does not subscribe to the full ProQuest Dissertations & Thesis database which contains dissertations from intuitions around the world. If you are interested in a dissertation from another institution, we suggest searching for the title in Google or your preferred search engine as sometimes authors make their dissertations available as open access resources.
The library will request dissertations via interlibrary loan on a case-by-case basis. If you'd like to request a dissertation from interlibrary loan, please contact the library directly with your request. Note, dissertations borrowed via interlibrary loan come as hard copy books that must be returned to the lending library after the loan period.
If you would like to purchase a digital (PDF) copy of a dissertation, you may do so directly from ProQuest: