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Academic Resource Center (ARC) Research & Writing Resources


Strong Acceptable Needs Improvement
  • Appropriate balance of summary, quotation, and paraphrase.  

  • All sources are credible and relevant.  

  • All sources are properly contextualized and integrated with the writer’s argument.  

  • All evidence supports the argument and purpose. 

  • May not contain an appropriate balance of summary, quotation, and paraphrase.  

  • Some sources may not be credible or relevant. 

  • Some sources may not be properly contextualized and integrated with the writer’s argument.  

  • Some evidence to support the argument or purpose.  

  • Does not contain enough evidence from research.  

  • May not use credible or relevant sources. 

  • Sources may not be properly contextualized and integrated with the writer’s argument. 

  • Insufficient evidence to support the argument or purpose.   


Integrating Evidence

What Is Evidence

What Is Analysis

What is Synthesis?

Responding to Research