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Academic Resource Center (ARC) Research & Writing Resources

Setnence Structure & Grammar

Strength of Sentences
Strong Acceptable Needs Improvement
  • Sophisticated, varied, clear, and logical sentence structure 

  • Grammar and punctuation are free of errors.  

  • Correctly follows APA formatting, including headers, citations, quotations, and references.  

  • Sentence structures and word choice may be adequate but limited. The writing may be unclear at times.  

  • Some distracting proofreading errors.  

  • Contains some APA formatting errors, including headers, citations, quotations, and references.  

  • Inadequate sentence structures and word choice. The writing may often be unclear.  

  • Major proofreading errors. 

  • Little to no evidence of APA formatting, including headers, citations, quotations, and references.  


Purdue OWL

Link to Purdue OWL


Purdue OWL is an excellent source for information about grammar but also about all aspects of academic writing.  It contains videos and information about APA style, effective writing, and study strategies


Clear Sentence Structure

Passive Voice

Parallel Structure